Art & Design Workshops

We design art workshops and supply materials according to your interest, learning objectives, or curriculums. We celebrate and value the process of creation and experiment rather than focusing on the outcome.

SGEnable Learning Festival

In celebration of Singapore’s National Day, we designed these cute and colourful heritage shophouse craft kits for the drop-in activity at the Learning Festival which was attended by 600 people!

We hired our facilitators under our inclusive hiring practice.

Taiwan Trade Show

The Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) held a trade show at the SUNTEC City atrium over 2 weekends. We designed DIY boba sensory toy kits for families who visited the trade show. Our visitors commented that it looks so real! What do you think?

History of Ancient Civilisations

We kicked start a series of ancient civilisations studies with ancient Greece for 270 students at Morning Star Community Services. Children learned about ancient Greece through storytelling and art-making activities. We covered 4 areas in ancient Greece: Daily life, inventions, architecture, arts, and cultures.

Photos courtesy of Morning Star Community Services.

Parenting Workshop

We partnered with THK Family Service Centre to conduct a series of parenting workshop for families. The objectives were to provide opportunities for families to bond over meaningful, fun and engaging hands-on activities, getting to know more about each other on a deeper level, give encouragement and affirmation.

We also provided journal templates for parents to record their reflections and memories after the workshops.

Special Me. In this workshop, families learned about each other’s strengths and giving affirmation.

Special Me. In this workshop, families learned about each other’s strengths and giving affirmation.

Happy Place. Participants created their happy place or memory using loose parts, and shared their reflections with one another.

Happy Place. Participants created their happy place or memory using loose parts, and shared their reflections with one another.

Other Workshops and Activity Kits